Ladies field hockey in Glasnevin, Dublin.

  • It’s all about the fitness!

    Have you been going to fitness training on a Monday night since the start of the season?? It’s on every week at 7pm and Angie Boran puts us through our paces! Each week there are some new drills, skills and exercises to do! It could be anything from interval running to lunges to the plank!…

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  • Events coming up in December

    There will be lots going on in the month of December before Santa arrives! Keep your eyes and ears peeled….. Christmas Car Boot Sale The BIG HUGE CHRISTMAS CAR BOOT SALE EXTRAVAGANZA is taking place on Sunday 2nd of December! It will be a big fundraiser for the club. There will be lots of Christmassy…

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  • Have you paid your fees?

    Thanks to everyone who has already paid their fees and registered for this season! If you haven’t paid your fees yet,please do so as soon as possible! Fees for the season are the following: Full adult member: €300 Student: €150 Unwaged: €150 School girl: €100 Vet: €100 Associate: €60 You can pay your fees via…

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  • Successful Social – Moveable Feast

    The first big social of the season took place on Saturday 10th of November; our annual Moveable Feast event. There were 4 houses in the area who invited people into their homes. A huge amount of food was available on the night; 4 different types of soup, lasagne and sides, and a wealth of desserts…

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