Junior hockey season kicking off
The Juniors hockey season will also start back in September. Under 16’s training will commence on Sunday, 9th September. Under 12’s and Under 8’s groups will kick off on Sunday, 30th September. If you have a child that would be interested in playing hockey with Botanic, please email botanichockeyjuniors@gmail.com for further details.
Paint the club pavilion
Get involved and help spruce up the pavilion before the season kicks off! This Saturday, 1st September from 11am until 2pm!  All help will be greatly appreciated and it’ll be a bit of craic too!  Oh and there will also be cake!!! 🙂  So grab some overalls and a paint brush and…
Botanic in the local news
Some Botanic hockey members recently appeared on the front of the Local News newspaper celebrating the Irish Hockey team’s world cup success in Dublin.
Car Boot Sales September 2018
As the new season approaches, so do the start of the Car Boot Sales fundraisers for the club. The first two Car Boot Sales of the season are in September. Sunday, 9th September Sunday, 23rd September The Car Boot Sales are a regular way for the club to raise much needed funds for…
Pre-season training 2018 underway
It’s great to be back at pre season training. Welcome back to everyone and a huge welcome to any new members. Pre-season training times on Monday and Wednesday nights are as follows:  7.30pm – 8.30pm – last year’s 1sts & 2nds squads 8.30pm – 9.30pm – last year’s 3rds & 4ths squads  …
Botanic celebrating the Irish Women’s Hockey Team Success
Botanic Members had a fantastic time recently at the Hockey World Cup in London and then celebrating the team’s silver medal success at the civic reception and homecoming in Dublin City. Below are some pictures of the club members meeting the team in London and Dublin It’s been brilliant to see the Irish Women’s Hockey team do…
Volunteer with Leinster Hockey
The Leinster Hockey Association are looking to fill a number of roles for the coming season. See recent notice from them: Following the recent Annual General Meeting a number of vacancies exist on both the LHA Board and various sub committees/working groups. To ensure the smooth operation of the Leinster Hockey Association it is essential that these…
Would you like to join Botanic?
Have you seen lots of the recent coverage of the Irish Hockey team’s success at the World Cup in London? Are you inspired now to take up hockey? Why not consider coming down and checking us out? We are based in Glasnevin. Details about the club are here. If you have played hockey before and…
Botanic successful in Dublin City Small Grants Scheme
The Committee are always working away behind the scenes even during the summer. We applied for the ‘Dublin City Sports and Wellbeing Partnership Small Grants for Young People in Sports’ at the start of the summer and have been lucky enough to be awarded a small grant of 550 euro to buy much needed equipment…
Volunteer in the club
There are always lots of jobs to be done throughout the season and many hands make light work as the saying goes. If you have any specific skills that you could utilise in the club during the year, please email the Committee at botanichockeyclub@gmail.com No matter if it’s a big or small job that you’d…
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