If you’re still not in the monthly Club Draw then you’re definitely missing out!!! This is a brilliant fundraiser for the Club and it’s great to get involved in because you can win up to €400!!! But the more people we get into the draw, the bigger the jackpot!!!
It’s really simply to enter this and it only costs €10 a month which in the grand scheme of things isn’t really a lot! (It costs the same as buying a cup of coffee every day for 5 days). There are Standing Order forms available in the pavilion to join the draw at any time. Or if you’d prefer you can pay (and play) for a year via cheque/ cash. As the old saying goes: “if you’re not in it, you can’t win it!”
Speak to any committee member about joining the draw today or please email us at botanichockeyclub@gmail.com for further details.